Monday, January 26, 2009
In Bruges - A Vintage Post
I suppose this is officially my first blog post, because the others were kind of just an obligation I had to fulfill. For the time being, I'll probably be writing about fairly simple things being that I have neither the time nor the internet connection to be blogging constantly, but as part of my personal well-being, I need to have some sort of creative outlet, and so blogging it is.
Being that it is awards season, I've been watching a lot more movies than I normally would during the year, and in fact, prior to the last three weeks, I honestly can't remember the last film I saw in the theater. Recently, I've seen Revolutionary Road, Milk, and Slumdog Millionaire in the theater, and I began to remember how much I absolutely love movies in general, and movies in the theater specifically. But despite all that, I must admit that my favorite movie of 2008 (that I've seen so far, of course) is In Bruges.
This one I watched in the comfort of my own home, and I deeply regret that I didn't get a chance to see it in the theater. It is one of the finest black comedies I've ever seen, and the performances were stunning, particularly Colin Farrell, who plays a very confused hit man stuck in a small town in Belgium.
As unrealistic as the premise was, two hit men sent to Bruges to lay low after a job went wrong, the writing and the range of human emotion was spot on. I can hardly describe the plot without giving anything away, but if you haven't seen it, please do.
This film brought a little bit of magic into my life, and sometimes it is hard to remember that magic is afoot.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Creative / Theatrical Makeup
The creative category was definitely my favorite to compile. There are so many amazing creative looks out there and still more to discover, so this category proves that there is nothing you can't do with makeup! I used this as an opportunity to include men in the look book by choosing photos from several recent films in which men had the opportunity to show off their good, bad, and ugly sides. The final three photos are of myself with a landscape on my face and my face map. Unfortunately, I don't have access to the high tech tools required to create something of the magnitude you'll see in the professional photos below.

I included two photos of my beautiful creation here because I couldn't decide which one was better :)
I'm guessing this is my interpretation of some sort of alien creature.
Runway Makeup
Runway was a difficult category to fulfill because there are truly endless possibilities for runway looks depending on what type of clothing is being displayed, what time of year it is, and the appearance of the model herself among other factors. I attempted to choose a variety of looks from very extravagant to more restrained. This is the only category for which I didn't attempt a makeup look on myself, so the only photo that was my creation is the face map.

Evening Makeup

Daytime Makeup
In the daytime category, I felt it was important again to show different skin colors and hair colors as well as showing a range of different ages. I mainly used photos of celebrities in order to demonstrate that looking your best doesn't always necessitate a great deal of makeup (or money). I've also included a creation of my own - not that I would leave the house dressed like this...
And finally, the face map
Bridal Makeup Looks
In order to create a profile of bridal looks, I looked for brides with varying skin tones and hair colors with makeup that ran the gamut from traditional to modern. Also included is an Indian bride whose makeup is more extravagant than what we normally see as traditional bridal in the U.S. I also used two makeup looks from my friends who were recently married, so these looks are reflective of real brides and not simply bridal magazines. Finally, I included a photo of my own makeup creation (on myself) although hopefully I won't be wearing an old grey tank top at my own wedding :)

And finally the face map for bridal. It is much more difficult than one might think to make a piece of paper look pretty.