Friday, July 24, 2009


I'm thinking I should probably try to organize my blog in some way so that I am forced to write on a regular basis instead of just coming home from work and plopping in front of my computer and casting around for inspiration on some kind of important topic.

I'm not going to do any kind of organizing tonight, because this has been one of the most disorganized days of my life beginning with the insanely disturbing and extremely vivid dream I had that actually woke me up this morning and put my head in a fog for most of the day.


Has this ever happened to you where you have a dream that is so real that you are convinced that it is actually happening or has actually happened or will actually happen? Or at least that the thoughts and feelings that accompanied the dream are real? And then they affect you all day? That's been happening to me more often lately than I care to admit, although last night it could've had something to do with the Lemongrass Coconut-Saketini...

Not sure.

But the whole day I've had this cloud hanging over my head, and I didn't feel like I could do anything productive. I even saw my reflection in the window scowling at this really cute guy on the bus this evening. Not a good way to catch a husband.

So what I am going to do is put on my cowgirl boot slippers and pajamas, read some Harry Potter, and drink a cup of tea before bed. Hopefully by tomorrow morning, I'll have some fantastic plan strategized about how my blog is going to look from here on out.

I'm sure all you people who are reading this (Erin and maybe Erin) will much appreciate it.

Love you.

1 comment:

  1. I have been having really intense, crazy dreams lately. It can totally shake you to the core!

    Hope that Harry helped comfort you. If you need any help with blog stuff, let me know!
